You can now catch my two hour conversation with Tucker Carlson online at any of at least four different sites:
Spotify (audio only)
For those of you who were first introduced to my quantitative analysis of the catastrophic effect of Black Lives Matter on black lives in America from Tucker’s video, here are two graphs I showed during our talk when explaining how the once celebrated Black Lives Matter movement got roughly 10,000 incremental black lives murdered and a nearly comparable number of black lives splattered on the pavement in extra car crashes.
First, here are monthly homicide deaths and motor vehicle accident deaths from 1999 through 2021, as tabulated by the Center for Disease Control’s online public WONDER database of the causes of all deaths in the United States:
Please note that the CDC tabulates homicide victimizations rather than perpetrations (the FBI is in charge of that). So, for example, 9/11 in September 2001 shows up as huge spike in homicide victimizations of Americans of all races. But, still, looking at victims is a reasonable way to observe crime trends within races since most murders are intra-racial.
As you can see, black deaths by homicide and car crash skyrocketed in June 2020 during the anti-police “racial reckoning” announced by the American Establishment following the death of George Floyd on May 25, 2020. During that demented summer, the Great and the Good made clear to the cops that they had decided that blacks were suffering from too much law-and-order. So, in response, cops retreated to the donut shop. Some people quickly noticed the police weren’t pro-actively policing as much anymore, so some drove faster and drunker and packed their illegal handguns more when they went out to party. Hence, the number of Americans, especially African-Americans, who died violently in wrecks and shootings skyrocketed thanks to BLM.
As you can see, the same thing had happened the first time BLM was riding high, during the Ferguson Effect of 2015-2016. But the Floyd Effect of, roughly 2020-2023 (I hope it’s now finally over, but we shall see) dwarfed the Ferguson Effect at getting incremental black lives ended.
Not surprisingly, however, the prestige press has been highly reluctant to mention the Floyd Effect on murders and (especially not) on car crashes, usually hand-wavingly blaming it on The Pandemic (even though covid was worldwide, but the Floyd Effect was seen only in the U.S., and primarily among blacks followed by Hispanics).
Moreover, the CDC makes available week-by-week death data since 2018, so here are black homicide and motor vehicle accident death totals by week, which helps narrow down the impact of covid vs George Floyd.
As you can see, black deaths were rising in the spring of 2020, as they usually do. (In this century, blacks die 22% more by homicide in June through August than they do in December-February.) But then homicides absolutely skyrocketed when George Floyd died in the last week of May 2020, with Chicago, for example, hitting on Sunday, May 31, 2020 its all time most lethal day in the Windy City’s storied history of murder with 18 fatal shootings in 24 hours.
You could call it a “spike,” but it looks more like a death plateau that has taken years to fade.
Black car crash deaths didn’t explode quite as fast, but by mid-June had reached a historic new level and stayed there for years.
Why does almost nobody, other than my readers, know about this massively important social science finding (which I stumbled upon in June 2021) demonstrating that the immensely prestigious Black Lives Matter movement turned out hideously lethal to black lives?
The usual assumption seems to be that only evil racists would be familiar with government statistics about what is killing their fellow Americans. So when I bring up the facts, I am usually accused of being a Bad Person for not being ignorant about my country’s recent history.
Personally, whether my being well-informed about the history of America in the 2020s proves I’m a Bad Person — or perhaps, just maybe, I’m a public-spirited citizen who is against homicide and car crashes and tries to reduce their number — would seem to be a matter of personal opinion.
But enough about me. What about the character of the media, the politicians, the academics, the corporations, the sports leagues, the cultural institutions who all fervently backed the BLM movement?
Occam’s Razor suggests that the reason the American Establishment hasn’t bothered to tell you about the Floyd Effect on murder and mayhem on the streets and highways is because they want to cover up their culpability and incompetence.
But, then again, maybe my noticing that just proves my evilness.
You won't have economic development in areas that are wracked by violent crime. Young black men
(15-34) are just 2% of the population and commit about half of the nation's homicides. A rate an astounding 49 times that of the average American.
Most of their victims are other young black men. A major reason no one cares. They are the country's gun violence problem. Saying that truth makes me a racist in today's world.
The roots of the problem are: the lack of respect for education (read up on the disruption in any inner city classroom and the refusal of black administrators to address it by imposing needed discipline) and the casual acceptance of criminal behavior in the black community exemplified by the refusal to cooperate with law enforcement, and the failure of many (most?) black fathers to love and care for their children and especially their boy children. Those who object to this analysis deny black people any agency over their own lives. They are the true racists. Fix those issues and you have a shot at reducing gun violence in America.
I don’t know if it’s “covering up their own culpability” so much as the more-or-less blanket policy of never reporting on nor discussing the data of black misbehavior.
Even intelligent, well-read, and politically-interested Americans are almost totally ignorant of even basic facts on this topic.