I think British Jews vote more for the Conservatives than they used to.

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The Jewish Century has passed.

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Which of the 35 centuries of Jewish history do you fancy to have “passed”?

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The Jewish Century –

by Yuri Slezkine (Author)

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Book is about the 20th century Jewish experience. What specifically about it has “passed”?

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"with the exception of a tiny anti-Semitic online fringe"

They're a figment of your imagination...for the last decade.

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Weren't you a frequenter of the Unz comments section? How could you miss them? I remember guys there denying that antisemitism was a thing while making antisemitic comments on the same thread.

The online world is so large there are examples of everything. If there are furries and my little pony bros why would antisemites be imaginary?

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I recognize only a few names here from Unz. I’m one with the same name. I don’t remember a Ralph. But people might have been in deeper cover there. It’s such a strange place.

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a few brilliant people. A few terrifying people. a small number of intersections.

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How did Timothy Mellon manage to donate -2900 to Dems? Did he steal $2900 from them through financial ledgerdemain?

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Same with the McMahons. They kayfabed the money away from them.

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There was a move towards Ronald Reagan in 1980 due to Jimmy Carter's and Andrew Young's friendliness towards the Palestinians. But the move was short-lived and the Democrats received the normal Jewish support by the time Michael Dukakis was the nominee in 1988. Carter was always a bit of a stretch for Northern Jews who distrust white Southerners. For a West End Jew, Jimmy Carter of Plains, Georgia was an oddity, a peckerwoods Democrat with a strange accent.

Jews are about two percent of the vote these days and most Jews live in states that are not battleground states- New York, Massachusetts, Maryland, Florida, Illinois and California. But they are great funders of the political left and are intellectually dominant in the Democratic Party. Notice how Jewish Joe Biden's cabinet is?

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Excellent data driven analysis Steve; thanks...

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"...the now-dominant Establishment, the type of people who put up In This House We Believe signs on their nice lawns in their nice neighborhoods."

"...the typical Establishmentarian, the kind of people who freaked out over George Floyd in 2020."

I think it's sad that so many educated people are like this. It depresses me pretty much on a daily basis.

I know the type. I'm an educated professional in the Northeast. I live in a somewhat affluent predominantly-white suburb known for being a good school district. These are my co-workers, neighbors, and even some family and old friends.

They're actually good people in many ways. They're competent at their jobs, conscientious parents, take good care of their homes, they're polite, etc.

But they're just so easily manipulated by media propaganda and so brainwashed, particularly about race. It shouldn't be this way. Intelligent and educated people should have a view of reality that's more accurate, not less.

I'm happy and relieved that Trump won. But I wish we weren't relying on blue-collar whites, Hispanics, etc. to rescue the country from educated white people. I'd rather see the educated white people wise up.

Not that I see Trump as the savior of the country either. I have low expectations for his administration. But I think his victory at least represents some kind of course-correction from the insanity of the last decade.

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Lots of interesting data here Steve. I’d say we’ve learned over the last few elections the fallibility of polling data in general (and exit polls in particular) especially when it comes to disclosing a vote for Donald Trump. So the more valid the data becomes, the more it’s clear that there has been a shift in voting patterns among Jews. Given October 7th and the flooding of U.S. universities and cities with populations from the most antisemitic middle eastern and North African countries expressing their overt support for enemies of Israel and the U.S. I’m surprised the magnitude of the change isn’t even more extreme.

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The main theme of anti-jewish bigotry has long been, as Grammy Hall put it, they only make money. It's easy to see if people were laying this criticism on you for centuries that you might make a show of being for the common man and redistributing the wealth.

Political identities becomes habits and become inherited. It's very difficult psychologically to change. Add to that the anticipated social ostracism and, well, these things take time.

Surely anyone middle aged and above has noticed that since the Clinton era, the democrats did their best to become the party of cool, glamorous rich guys. They are practically a secular prosperity gospel organization for the past quarter century. Now you have republican, Trump, who is a classic 20th century democrat, much more pro citizen blue collar than the dems (despite their rhetoric and assumption of ownership) and people get confused by the moment. But it becomes safer psychologically for a guilt ridden Jew to convert.

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Jan Koum is Jewish. Wasn't able to find anything about Shirley Ryan, but don't see a reason to think she is Jewish?

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Thanks, I will fix.

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Hey Steve S , You kind of neglected to “ Notice” that Kamella Harris was /is literally “ in bed “ with those old , not very religious Ashkenazi Lib Leftist Hs in America .

Kamella Harris is now married to a stereotypical Hollywood Lib macher lawyer J husband !

The American 1st Family would have been Hollywood Lib Js !

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