Prophetic. European elites are frozen in time to 1939. Theo Van Gogh was killed two years after Pim. 20 years later, the continent and all of the west stands at a precipice.

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A precipice of what?

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The precipice of Eurabia.

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Were there similar reactions to the murder of Theo Van Gogh?

Hiding his real age even in death. Are we surprised?

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Didn't realize UPI had a clear-eyed correspondent or two in its ranks then.

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Europe never really recovered from WWII. The Marshall Plan rebuilt the economies of western Europe but the population that lived through the war would never again see nationalism as desirable. But they seemed to have turned away from patriotism as well. How else can one explain the people of the west sleepwalking through elections to the degree of ignoring the governments' wholesale importation of immigrants to the detriment of the natives. The EC merely codified this apathy with the imposition of an unelected bureaucracy in Brussels. The MEP's hated Pym Fortune for rocking their comfortable boat. We are in much the same situation in America. Ruled by unelected bureaucrats of the Deep State who despise us. I anticipate hearing in the next weeks that "Trump brought it on himself" and "It's a shame the gunman missed". Don't expect contrition or reform from the MSM. They have gone too far to do much of anything but doubling down on the "Orange Man bad!" message.

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I think you are thinking of "Germany" when you say Europe there. The closer one is ethnoculturally to Germany, the more one is dragged down by the official anti-German hate-cult.

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Austria beg to differ. That said, Germany is akshually revered in EU, its gay-race-communist-retarded version, at least.

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Ireland was completely untouched by the Second World War, yet is arguably the country in the EU most enthusiastic about replacing its native population.

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I don't know if "completely untouched" is a very accurate description just because there was nothing there worth bombing to the Germans. Dr Edward Dutton has some ideas about how the Irish vote and why. The Celts seem to have been a southern European population that moved north. He has pointed out how conditions in southern Europe were much less selective for intelligence than in northern Europe. Black urban voters in America seem to vote against their own interests in much the same way. Reliably voting for the party committed to keeping them poor and dependent.

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Clearly a wise man ahead of his time. But does it really take an Oracle to predict that opening a developed country to the backward, uneducated, unproductive, intolerant and violent who refuse assimilation might not be propitious?

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somewhat offtopique, rereading Bruce Bawer on Lars Brevik and the norwegian self loathing. Bawer is a fount of knowledge on euro musselmen takeover and eurodopeyness. as Mark Steyn said 20+ yrs ago; you Can have a multi-racial society, Can Not have a multi-cultural society.

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Enoch Powell (sp?) was right and prophetic.

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Jul 15Liked by Steve Sailer

See this recent essay on Margaret Thatcher , Enoch Powell, the long saga of UK Conservative Party coopting pro-white feeling in Britain, and the many attempts since the 1970s to raise an ethnonationalist opposition to challenge the Conservatives:


(Starts with "I’ve read that whenever the issue of 'immigration' came up, Mrs Thatcher favored restriction by instinct...")

It may surprise many to learn: Thatcher personally had the same immigration-and-racial views as Enoch Powell. Thatcher and Powell were collegial, even friends; longtime members of the British Parliament, and she followed his work, even poring over his speech transcripts.

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The elites live sheltered lives, hidden from the realities of the plebes’ lives. They indulge in luxury values.

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I remember at some point in the 90s there was a lot of talk about the North/South wealth divide, then it stopped. I guess TPTB realized there was little support for larger wealth transfers when they'd done nothing besides lined a few pockets and exploded populations, so they decided to invite the South to invade the North, using the race card to squelch all opposition.

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15Liked by Steve Sailer

We knew this was coming:




By David Frum | The Atlantic


July 14, 2024


"Fascism feasts on violence. ..."

"Now the bloodshed that Trump has done so much to incite against others has touched him as well. ..."

"Assassinations, lynchings, riots, and pogroms have stained every page of American political history. ..."





David Frum says: It was a tragedy blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda; but, you and I know, Trump deserved to be shot at. Frum calls Trump "an enemy of law and democracy" who wants to turn the USA into a "dictatorship," submit to Russia's demands, and put large numbers of people in orison camps.

Frum says that Trump is "a subverter of American institutions, and the very opposite of everything decent and patriotic in American life." The gist of the essay: Trump is responsible for the shooting, through some malevolent combination of supposedly treasonous beliefs (of Trump) and supposed promotion of violence (by Trump).

This Frum essay was published less than 18 hours after the shooting.

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The closest thing to a pogrom (defined as an organized massacre of Jews by a rioting mob) in American history was likely the 1991 black riot in Crown Heights, New York promoted by Al Sharpton that killed a Jewish rabbinical student from Australia.

Otherwise, American political history is admirably free of pogroms.

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