Fidel is clearly the father. You have to really dig to find a photo where Justin looks remotely like Pierre whereas there are hundreds of photos where Justin looks like Fidel. It's well-established that Margaret Trudeau had affairs with countless men in the 1970s including the Rolling Stones and Ted Kennedy. Yet, when Margaret was named to ask the sexiest man she mentioned Fidel.
During their two-week long honeymoon, Pierre and Margaret spent a weekend at an unnamed Caribbean island. Justin was born 9 months later. Pierre was a sexual libertine with a wife 30 years his junior. Justin lacks the intellectual vigour of Pierre and the toughness of Fidel. (Not surprising when you consider that he grew up pampered). Like Fidel who famously spoke on the TV/Radio for hours on a weekly basis, Justin likes to ramble in front of the camera. One of Fidel's sons has called Justin his half-brother.
Pierre was 5'10. Fidel and Justin were both 6'3. Justin's genetic make-up is Scottish/English and Spanish-Cuban. He resembles the Chilean actor Pedro Pascal.
I could go on and on. I'm 99.9% sure that the Justin is the son of Fidel Castro.
Exactly. Steve Sailer is oddly emotional about this, adding fake reasons for why people have a different opinion than him in this issue. And he won't show the pictures for comparison:
Justin Trudeau's mother Margaret was a groupie who traveled with Rolling Stones and lamented that "I should have fucked them all." When her age started to get noticeable she married the TWENTY-NINE year older Pierre Trudeau, a socialist politician. They were both fans of the mass murderer Fidel Castro, who killed a larger percentage of Cuba's population than Stalin slaughtered in Russia, and who instituted the rule before the takeover that every party boss should commit murder so they couldn't leave.
After the son Justin was born there's a picture of them visiting Cuba again, greeted by Castro, and Margaret let him hold the baby.
As the boy grew up it was clear that he looked like a young Fidel Castro, and he looked nothing like Pierre Trudeau. The nose, the eyes, the mouth - he even adopted the same mustache as Fidel had in the same age. Face-recognition software show a very high match between Justin's and Fidel's faces, and a very low match with Pierre. Now of course leftists claim that Margaret didn't meed the beloved murderer before her son was born, that only Pierre Trudeau did, which is their "proof" to counter the obvious.
Agreed. They're both extremely spiteful and destructive.
When Fidel was a boy his classmates at Cuba's most exclusive private school called him Bastardo because his mother was his father's mistress until he married her years later. Years later, he gained revenge on all of those classmates by appropriating all their land for himself.
Justin failed grade 7 (while his father was PM) and has always been desperate to prove he's not an idiot. More importantly, since the 2022 Trucker convoy Trudeau has for almost three years done everything possible to exact revenge on the Canadians who disobeyed him and made him look cowardly, weak, then cruel. He expanded every immigration program by triple what the programs should have been. It ended up contributing to his being ignominiously forced out of office.
Final point. A few months ago on X a video from 2013 circulated of Trudeau telling his wife "I was brought into this world for this. I fight. I fight and win. That's what I do." He KNOWS he's Castro's son.
Pierre Elliot Trudeau didn't really switch sides during WW2. He suddenly stopped his anti-war activism and was allowed to study at Harvard. This was unusual treatment for any young man of military age, so perhaps some kind of deal was worked out.
Trudeau was still a rightwing nationalist as late as 1948, when he wrote a letter in support of Adrien Arcand's request for compensation (Arcand was interned during the war). You can judge this letter for yourself by reading it online, if you can handle Trudeau's highly intellectual French and use of "clins d'oeil". At that time, he still considered WWII to have been an imperialist war and scoffed at the notion that it was fought for humanitarian reasons.
It looks like Trudeau abandoned rightwing nationalism in 1950, when he turned 30. He was still single and still a virgin — a situation that tormented him to the point that he sought psychiatric help. That's probably why he became an international socialist. It was the only way for him to have any kind of social life ... and love life.
Trudeau, P.E. (1948). Réflexions sur une démocratie et sa variante. Lettre de Londres. Notre temps. Hebdomadaire social et culturel 3(18): 1,6. February 14.
You are right. Oh what a dog whistle. He was plainly a political reinvention to set beside Francois Mitterand. And as for his French:
des lors que chaque citoyen eut
le gouvernement ne se fit point prier
que l'on mourut, mais non que l'on vecut
I know that French presidents employ tenses and expressions which have not been part of normal speech for centuries, but do Canadian prime ministers talk like this too?
None of the other Canadian prime ministers, except perhaps Wilfrid Laurier. Pierre Elliot Trudeau read and wrote extensively, at a time when most reading material was in literary French.
Even today, the gap between the spoken language and the written language is greater in French than in English.
>Young rightist memesters tend to be ignorant about how formidable was Pierre Trudeau
Irrelevant. Also irrelevant whether those who say it are "young" (bad, apparently) or "memesters". Stick to the facts.
>So they assume Pierre must have been some cheese-eating surrender monkey
No, absolutely no one says that.
>And that proves Justin Trudeau is a wimp because … well … they'll get back to you on that one.
No. No one has said it makes Justin Trudeau a "wimp."
Why people say Justin Trudeau is Fidel Castro's son is about the truth, plain and simple. It's not about Pierre or anything else in your emotional list. Why don't you show the pictures comparing Justin Trudeau to Fidel Castro, or mention that Justin's parents admired him and visited him? Why not let the readers see?
Here's the story:
Justin Trudeau's mother Margaret was a groupie who traveled with Rolling Stones and lamented that "I should have fucked them all." When her age started to get noticeable she married the TWENTY-NINE year older Pierre Trudeau, a socialist politician. They were both fans of the mass murderer Fidel Castro, who killed a larger percentage of Cuba's population than Stalin slaughtered in Russia, and who instituted the rule before the takeover that every party boss should commit murder so they couldn't leave.
After the son Justin was born there's a picture of them visiting Cuba again, greeted by Castro, and Margaret let him hold the baby.
As the boy grew up it was clear that he looked like a young Fidel Castro, and he looked nothing like Pierre Trudeau. The nose, the eyes, the mouth - he even adopted the same mustache as Fidel had in the same age. Face-recognition software show a very high match between Justin's and Fidel's faces, and a very low match with Pierre. Now of course leftists claim that Margaret didn't meed the beloved murderer before her son was born, that only Pierre Trudeau did, which is their "proof" to counter the obvious:
One serious badass was PET (no, he actually didn't say "Fuddy Duddy!") Of course, neither was Castro in his prime any slouch in that regard. Men's men, the pair of them. And Justin? Uh...
During the October Crisis of 1970, the authorities (federal RCMP, troops under provincial authority, and local Montreal police) were given free reign to, um, impress upon the separatist radicals that a rapid and complete change in their political program would be in their best interests. By the time their cracked heads and bruised bodies healed, they saw the wisdom of the advice they'd been given. Interesting that the same War Measures Act invoked by Trudeau père was, after some amendments and renaming to the Emergencies Act, employed by Trudeau fils to deal with the Trucker Protest (Freedom Convoy) in Ottawa some 50-odd years later.
I would like to take credit for this post, as on December 27 in response to Steve's observation regarding "Trudeau’s pretty boy looks" I explicitly asked
> Do you think there is any chance Trudeau's biological father is Fidel Castro?*
This then sprouted a subdiscussion on the topic which has been fomenting in Steve's mind the last week and a half.
Shut up, liar. Its long been joked/stated/argued that Justin was Castro Jr. --- especially during the Canadian Trucker's Protests during COVID. You didn't come up with anything original, though you are trying to take credit.
Are you feuding? It's not a good look. Obviously the topic's previous existence doesn't discredit Scarlet's suggestion that her comment may have triggered Sailer's writing this note.
Even taking your word for that wouldn't address my point. If you want to attack him for being a creep feel free to do so, but you still need to find actual opportunities. This isn't one.
what a titan of a man Pierre was to re-shape, uh, Canada in his own image. Of course, Justin will go down as a humorous footnote and cautionary tale about the faddish dogmas of the early 21st c shitlib, so the old man doesn't come off too bad
So, your supposition is that Trudeau's indicated origin would be incompatible with what we know from the public record of Castro's? I think we've left the realm of "easy".
Duly Noted above says (on what basis I don't know) that "Justin's genetic make-up is Scottish/English and Spanish-Cuban." How is Fidel's different?
There are plenty of ways he could exclude Pierre from paternity through genetic testing whether he had access to his particular genetic profile or not.
With similar methods he could probably establish descent from the male line of Fidel Castro without much trouble.
YDNA doesn't change much at all from generation to generation, so you can determine paternity with high accuracy even through distant cousins.
Not my area of expertise, and there may be samples of Pierre still in storage somewhere which maybe Justin could get hold of, but the latter claim seems particularly likely to be false.
Male lines are inherently problematic. As here, who knows?
Yesterday Walter Kirn addressed the issue on his webcast with Matt Taibbi and suggested that he had heard at least the most informed gossip on the matter (from his ex-wife who partly grew up in the Trudeau household with Justin when her mother the actress Margot Kidder was dating Pierre Trudeau back in the day). Elsewhere in the conversation Kirn seems pretty convinced that Castro is more than likely Justin's father, but here's where he gets into this weird set of facts:
It's not true that Walter Kirn's ex-wife lived in the Trudeau household as a child? Or do you mean it's not true that Justin Trudeau's father is Fidel Castro? In both cases I personally wouldn't know, and I'm not sure how you would. But maybe somehow you do?
Anyway, as far as Justin Trudeau's brothers are concerned, I'm afraid I don't follow your logic here: Marguerite Trudeau famously got around a bunch back in the day, so for all I know her sons could all have different fathers...or they could all have the same father. Without DNA tests it's all pretty unknowable.
I don't find the suggestion that Fidel fathered Justin convincing (so far), but the label you propose seems inapt. Please specify the conspiracy being alleged here. Pay particular attention to the actual meaning of the word "conspiracy" when it's not being used simply as a smear word..
Was about to write something similar. This is one of my pet peeves. First people conflated 'conspiracy theory' (which are often valid) with 'crazy conspiracy theory' (which are crazy but sometimes valid) and lately people don't even seem to care if anyone conspired with anyone else in the theory. Heck, sometimes the conspiracy isn't even between one person; it's just an idea they disagree with.
The Serbian government denied it (at first), but the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand was planned and executed by the Black Hand, an entity sponsored by an arm of the Serbian government.
Throughout the 1990s, Hoffman-La Roche and BASF engaged in price-fixing to make more money from the sale of vitamins A, B, C, E, and beta carotene.
Proposed/imagined conspiracies ("conspiracy theories") can be ordinary or outlandish. They might be false, even misleading. Some turn out to be broadly true.
I don't feel that I'm particularly attracted to conspiracy theories. We landed on the moon. Probably Oswald shot Kennedy on his own hook. Etc. But "Fidel fathered Justin Trudeau" doesn't involve any conspiracy, just some wild theorizing based on almost certainly inadequate evidence. Not the same thing.
I don't. Justin is clearly innocent in this affair, though guilty in so many others. It would make me think less of Margaret, though. Not that I thought highly of any of them to begin with.
Wrong. It all started because it widely assumed that Pierre was gay, since he didn’t marry until age 51. The marriage was assumed to be a sham done for publicity purposes. There is no doubt some truth here.
But it strains credibility that all three children of the marriage were fathered by Castro. Even gay men are capable of fathering children.
Straw man. No one is claiming that ALL THREE children were fathered by Castro, but Justin's mother WAS known to cavort with him at the time Justin was conceived. And she was quite the party animal, having admitted to affairs with various celebrities while married to Pierre.
Wikipedia: "Over time, the marriage disintegrated[28] to the point where, as recounted in her 1982 book Consequences, Trudeau had affairs with Jack Nicholson, Ryan O'Neal, Lou Rawls, and a friendship with US Senator Ted Kennedy. She was also associated with members of the Rolling Stones, including Ronnie Wood[29] and, according to Keith Richards' autobiography, Life, Mick Jagger.[29][30]"
Steve, you seem fixated on the idea that questioning Justin's parentage is for the purpose of calling him a wimp. It has nothing to do with that. Stop that.
Rather, it's a three-fold smear: (1) calling his mother a whore; (2) calling his leftist Canadian father a wussy cuck; and (3) explaining/comparing Justin's communist actions (debanking opponents, violently running over protesters, limiting protests, enlisting his state press to attack opponents, murdering civilians through healthcare "suicide", etc.) with Fidel's.
In other words, its a political and personal smear, but nothing to do with Justin's masculinity.
I realize you have a soft spot for Justin, as you've stated in the past. I also realize that Justin's charity boxing match win showed people that a left-winger could be personally tough, contra to the traditional communist-wimp image, and that act has drawn your own personal attention. But not everyone is so fixated on the match or about reasserting old stereotypes on each left winger, and this smear certainly isn't part of it at all.
That said, Justin's mother is a whore, his Pierre was a cuck, and Castro Jr.'s political actions are like his dear old evil Cuban daddy's actions in Havana.
You almost make me interested in this topic. It wouldn't normally interest me but I do love the Sailer comments section. It's like when he writes about baseball.
Don't know that I would call her a whore but she did confess to numerous affairs in her memoirs "Beyond Reason" & "Changing My Mind". She was , by her own admission, a cokehead in those days as well as suffering from bipolar disorder. Both of these are conducive to poor decision making/promiscuity.
2nd time. Wikipedia: "Over time, the marriage disintegrated[28] to the point where, as recounted in her 1982 book Consequences, Trudeau had affairs with Jack Nicholson, Ryan O'Neal, Lou Rawls, and a friendship with US Senator Ted Kennedy. She was also associated with members of the Rolling Stones, including Ronnie Wood[29] and, according to Keith Richards' autobiography, Life, Mick Jagger.[29][30]"
"associated with" in this case appears to mean "fucked".
Camera is apparently using "whore" a bit loosely since there's no suggestion I have run across to indicate that any money transactions were involved.
The Castro paternity theory is both completely false and utterly compelling.
I love it and hope it will never die.
It's not false. He is the son of Fidel.
Fidel is clearly the father. You have to really dig to find a photo where Justin looks remotely like Pierre whereas there are hundreds of photos where Justin looks like Fidel. It's well-established that Margaret Trudeau had affairs with countless men in the 1970s including the Rolling Stones and Ted Kennedy. Yet, when Margaret was named to ask the sexiest man she mentioned Fidel.
During their two-week long honeymoon, Pierre and Margaret spent a weekend at an unnamed Caribbean island. Justin was born 9 months later. Pierre was a sexual libertine with a wife 30 years his junior. Justin lacks the intellectual vigour of Pierre and the toughness of Fidel. (Not surprising when you consider that he grew up pampered). Like Fidel who famously spoke on the TV/Radio for hours on a weekly basis, Justin likes to ramble in front of the camera. One of Fidel's sons has called Justin his half-brother.
Pierre was 5'10. Fidel and Justin were both 6'3. Justin's genetic make-up is Scottish/English and Spanish-Cuban. He resembles the Chilean actor Pedro Pascal.
I could go on and on. I'm 99.9% sure that the Justin is the son of Fidel Castro.
Exactly. Steve Sailer is oddly emotional about this, adding fake reasons for why people have a different opinion than him in this issue. And he won't show the pictures for comparison:*89DTzg7OzvLrnc8cyAsUSw.png
Here with Pierre Trudeau added:
Justin Trudeau's mother Margaret was a groupie who traveled with Rolling Stones and lamented that "I should have fucked them all." When her age started to get noticeable she married the TWENTY-NINE year older Pierre Trudeau, a socialist politician. They were both fans of the mass murderer Fidel Castro, who killed a larger percentage of Cuba's population than Stalin slaughtered in Russia, and who instituted the rule before the takeover that every party boss should commit murder so they couldn't leave.
After the son Justin was born there's a picture of them visiting Cuba again, greeted by Castro, and Margaret let him hold the baby.!/cpImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/original_1180/obit-fidel-castro-20161126.jpg
As the boy grew up it was clear that he looked like a young Fidel Castro, and he looked nothing like Pierre Trudeau. The nose, the eyes, the mouth - he even adopted the same mustache as Fidel had in the same age. Face-recognition software show a very high match between Justin's and Fidel's faces, and a very low match with Pierre. Now of course leftists claim that Margaret didn't meed the beloved murderer before her son was born, that only Pierre Trudeau did, which is their "proof" to counter the obvious.
Agreed. They're both extremely spiteful and destructive.
When Fidel was a boy his classmates at Cuba's most exclusive private school called him Bastardo because his mother was his father's mistress until he married her years later. Years later, he gained revenge on all of those classmates by appropriating all their land for himself.
Justin failed grade 7 (while his father was PM) and has always been desperate to prove he's not an idiot. More importantly, since the 2022 Trucker convoy Trudeau has for almost three years done everything possible to exact revenge on the Canadians who disobeyed him and made him look cowardly, weak, then cruel. He expanded every immigration program by triple what the programs should have been. It ended up contributing to his being ignominiously forced out of office.
Final point. A few months ago on X a video from 2013 circulated of Trudeau telling his wife "I was brought into this world for this. I fight. I fight and win. That's what I do." He KNOWS he's Castro's son.
They don’t look alike to me. Similar facial expressions isn’t the same thing. He’s probably not Pierre’s son or Fidel’s.
That says more about your standards of proof than it does about Trudeau,
Total garbage. Who was the father of his two brothers?
Sure he is !! Is the same face as his father Fidel Castro
What about his two brothers?
They’re way shorter and more bald, clearly not fathered by the same man
Pierre Elliot Trudeau didn't really switch sides during WW2. He suddenly stopped his anti-war activism and was allowed to study at Harvard. This was unusual treatment for any young man of military age, so perhaps some kind of deal was worked out.
Trudeau was still a rightwing nationalist as late as 1948, when he wrote a letter in support of Adrien Arcand's request for compensation (Arcand was interned during the war). You can judge this letter for yourself by reading it online, if you can handle Trudeau's highly intellectual French and use of "clins d'oeil". At that time, he still considered WWII to have been an imperialist war and scoffed at the notion that it was fought for humanitarian reasons.
It looks like Trudeau abandoned rightwing nationalism in 1950, when he turned 30. He was still single and still a virgin — a situation that tormented him to the point that he sought psychiatric help. That's probably why he became an international socialist. It was the only way for him to have any kind of social life ... and love life.
Trudeau, P.E. (1948). Réflexions sur une démocratie et sa variante. Lettre de Londres. Notre temps. Hebdomadaire social et culturel 3(18): 1,6. February 14.
You are right. Oh what a dog whistle. He was plainly a political reinvention to set beside Francois Mitterand. And as for his French:
des lors que chaque citoyen eut
le gouvernement ne se fit point prier
que l'on mourut, mais non que l'on vecut
I know that French presidents employ tenses and expressions which have not been part of normal speech for centuries, but do Canadian prime ministers talk like this too?
None of the other Canadian prime ministers, except perhaps Wilfrid Laurier. Pierre Elliot Trudeau read and wrote extensively, at a time when most reading material was in literary French.
Even today, the gap between the spoken language and the written language is greater in French than in English.
>Young rightist memesters tend to be ignorant about how formidable was Pierre Trudeau
Irrelevant. Also irrelevant whether those who say it are "young" (bad, apparently) or "memesters". Stick to the facts.
>So they assume Pierre must have been some cheese-eating surrender monkey
No, absolutely no one says that.
>And that proves Justin Trudeau is a wimp because … well … they'll get back to you on that one.
No. No one has said it makes Justin Trudeau a "wimp."
Why people say Justin Trudeau is Fidel Castro's son is about the truth, plain and simple. It's not about Pierre or anything else in your emotional list. Why don't you show the pictures comparing Justin Trudeau to Fidel Castro, or mention that Justin's parents admired him and visited him? Why not let the readers see?
Here's the story:
Justin Trudeau's mother Margaret was a groupie who traveled with Rolling Stones and lamented that "I should have fucked them all." When her age started to get noticeable she married the TWENTY-NINE year older Pierre Trudeau, a socialist politician. They were both fans of the mass murderer Fidel Castro, who killed a larger percentage of Cuba's population than Stalin slaughtered in Russia, and who instituted the rule before the takeover that every party boss should commit murder so they couldn't leave.
After the son Justin was born there's a picture of them visiting Cuba again, greeted by Castro, and Margaret let him hold the baby.!/cpImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/original_1180/obit-fidel-castro-20161126.jpg
As the boy grew up it was clear that he looked like a young Fidel Castro, and he looked nothing like Pierre Trudeau. The nose, the eyes, the mouth - he even adopted the same mustache as Fidel had in the same age. Face-recognition software show a very high match between Justin's and Fidel's faces, and a very low match with Pierre. Now of course leftists claim that Margaret didn't meed the beloved murderer before her son was born, that only Pierre Trudeau did, which is their "proof" to counter the obvious:*89DTzg7OzvLrnc8cyAsUSw.png
Here with Pierre Trudeau for comparison:
One serious badass was PET (no, he actually didn't say "Fuddy Duddy!") Of course, neither was Castro in his prime any slouch in that regard. Men's men, the pair of them. And Justin? Uh...
Are there any photographs from his confrontation with Quebec secessionists who literally wanted to kill him?
During the October Crisis of 1970, the authorities (federal RCMP, troops under provincial authority, and local Montreal police) were given free reign to, um, impress upon the separatist radicals that a rapid and complete change in their political program would be in their best interests. By the time their cracked heads and bruised bodies healed, they saw the wisdom of the advice they'd been given. Interesting that the same War Measures Act invoked by Trudeau père was, after some amendments and renaming to the Emergencies Act, employed by Trudeau fils to deal with the Trucker Protest (Freedom Convoy) in Ottawa some 50-odd years later.
I would like to take credit for this post, as on December 27 in response to Steve's observation regarding "Trudeau’s pretty boy looks" I explicitly asked
> Do you think there is any chance Trudeau's biological father is Fidel Castro?*
This then sprouted a subdiscussion on the topic which has been fomenting in Steve's mind the last week and a half.
Shut up, liar. Its long been joked/stated/argued that Justin was Castro Jr. --- especially during the Canadian Trucker's Protests during COVID. You didn't come up with anything original, though you are trying to take credit.
Are you feuding? It's not a good look. Obviously the topic's previous existence doesn't discredit Scarlet's suggestion that her comment may have triggered Sailer's writing this note.
Even taking your word for that wouldn't address my point. If you want to attack him for being a creep feel free to do so, but you still need to find actual opportunities. This isn't one.
Nonsense. His suggestion as to where SS got the inspiration for this post at this time is perfectly credible.
Is there a distinction between female closest siblings and sisters?
Expecting coherence from RG is a fool's errand
Well now I just don't know whom to support. I propose a duel!
If you've never heard this theory before and were presented with the two photos, it's clear as day Pierre is his father. The eyes are identical.
Justin has his mother's blue eyes.
I was referring to the shape. But it makes sense that his mother has something to do with his appearance.
It's not clear as day to me. The two look very alike.
I'm sure facial recognition software could give you a similarity score.
You go ahead and do that.
Not that interested, just informing you that your evidence-free "clear as day" claim shits on your general credibility.
*read in Prince Harry's voice narrating 'Spare'*
The reference eludes me.
what a titan of a man Pierre was to re-shape, uh, Canada in his own image. Of course, Justin will go down as a humorous footnote and cautionary tale about the faddish dogmas of the early 21st c shitlib, so the old man doesn't come off too bad
I'd say Justin has put his permanent stamp on Canada. They will never recover.
Not a fan of either Trudeau but Justin is unbelievably bad.
This could easily be cleared up by Justin if he were so inclined.
How? Does he have access to the DNAs?
He probably wouldn't even need it. DNA tests are pretty good at bailing down geographical origin these days.
So, your supposition is that Trudeau's indicated origin would be incompatible with what we know from the public record of Castro's? I think we've left the realm of "easy".
Duly Noted above says (on what basis I don't know) that "Justin's genetic make-up is Scottish/English and Spanish-Cuban." How is Fidel's different?
I don't know on what basis he says it either.
There are plenty of ways he could exclude Pierre from paternity through genetic testing whether he had access to his particular genetic profile or not.
With similar methods he could probably establish descent from the male line of Fidel Castro without much trouble.
YDNA doesn't change much at all from generation to generation, so you can determine paternity with high accuracy even through distant cousins.
Not my area of expertise, and there may be samples of Pierre still in storage somewhere which maybe Justin could get hold of, but the latter claim seems particularly likely to be false.
Male lines are inherently problematic. As here, who knows?
I suppose he could test DNA against those of his brothers.
I doubt that sharing the results is his top priority at the moment but figuring out whether his dad was his dad is not hard at all.
It’s not true, face it.
Honestly I have no idea, and am not invested in it one way or the other.
Yesterday Walter Kirn addressed the issue on his webcast with Matt Taibbi and suggested that he had heard at least the most informed gossip on the matter (from his ex-wife who partly grew up in the Trudeau household with Justin when her mother the actress Margot Kidder was dating Pierre Trudeau back in the day). Elsewhere in the conversation Kirn seems pretty convinced that Castro is more than likely Justin's father, but here's where he gets into this weird set of facts:
Not true. Justin has two brothers. Are those Castro’s too?
It's not true that Walter Kirn's ex-wife lived in the Trudeau household as a child? Or do you mean it's not true that Justin Trudeau's father is Fidel Castro? In both cases I personally wouldn't know, and I'm not sure how you would. But maybe somehow you do?
Anyway, as far as Justin Trudeau's brothers are concerned, I'm afraid I don't follow your logic here: Marguerite Trudeau famously got around a bunch back in the day, so for all I know her sons could all have different fathers...or they could all have the same father. Without DNA tests it's all pretty unknowable.
His mother was a groupie and whore, so no, they were fathered by different men, and don’t look anything like him.
What the hell! So this is truly a conspiracy theory site? Good lord.
"Conspiracy theory" = "news 6 months in advance"
Do you still believe COVID came from someone eating a bat?
I don't find the suggestion that Fidel fathered Justin convincing (so far), but the label you propose seems inapt. Please specify the conspiracy being alleged here. Pay particular attention to the actual meaning of the word "conspiracy" when it's not being used simply as a smear word..
Was about to write something similar. This is one of my pet peeves. First people conflated 'conspiracy theory' (which are often valid) with 'crazy conspiracy theory' (which are crazy but sometimes valid) and lately people don't even seem to care if anyone conspired with anyone else in the theory. Heck, sometimes the conspiracy isn't even between one person; it's just an idea they disagree with.
That’s because the readers from Unz are very attracted to conspiracy theories (which of course they insist are not conspiracies at all).
The Serbian government denied it (at first), but the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand was planned and executed by the Black Hand, an entity sponsored by an arm of the Serbian government.
Throughout the 1990s, Hoffman-La Roche and BASF engaged in price-fixing to make more money from the sale of vitamins A, B, C, E, and beta carotene.
Proposed/imagined conspiracies ("conspiracy theories") can be ordinary or outlandish. They might be false, even misleading. Some turn out to be broadly true.
I don't feel that I'm particularly attracted to conspiracy theories. We landed on the moon. Probably Oswald shot Kennedy on his own hook. Etc. But "Fidel fathered Justin Trudeau" doesn't involve any conspiracy, just some wild theorizing based on almost certainly inadequate evidence. Not the same thing.
Yeah, I mean I guess it would be cool to know, but who cares?
Do rightists think that would make Justin a wimp?
I don't. Justin is clearly innocent in this affair, though guilty in so many others. It would make me think less of Margaret, though. Not that I thought highly of any of them to begin with.
Rightist, here. Justin does have a rather soy boy affect, but laying that at Fidel's feet isn't the obvious way to go.
People say it because it is likely true and because boy Justin has the same tyrannical instincts of Fidel without the wisdom or bona fides of Pierre.
Wrong. It all started because it widely assumed that Pierre was gay, since he didn’t marry until age 51. The marriage was assumed to be a sham done for publicity purposes. There is no doubt some truth here.
But it strains credibility that all three children of the marriage were fathered by Castro. Even gay men are capable of fathering children.
His mother was not promiscuous at all.
Straw man. No one is claiming that ALL THREE children were fathered by Castro, but Justin's mother WAS known to cavort with him at the time Justin was conceived. And she was quite the party animal, having admitted to affairs with various celebrities while married to Pierre.
Have you got a credible source that Margaret was promiscuous?
Look it up. You can find that info anywhere - in her own books, on the Wiki site about her, literally anywhere. It was common knowledge.
Wikipedia: "Over time, the marriage disintegrated[28] to the point where, as recounted in her 1982 book Consequences, Trudeau had affairs with Jack Nicholson, Ryan O'Neal, Lou Rawls, and a friendship with US Senator Ted Kennedy. She was also associated with members of the Rolling Stones, including Ronnie Wood[29] and, according to Keith Richards' autobiography, Life, Mick Jagger.[29][30]"
Steve, you seem fixated on the idea that questioning Justin's parentage is for the purpose of calling him a wimp. It has nothing to do with that. Stop that.
Rather, it's a three-fold smear: (1) calling his mother a whore; (2) calling his leftist Canadian father a wussy cuck; and (3) explaining/comparing Justin's communist actions (debanking opponents, violently running over protesters, limiting protests, enlisting his state press to attack opponents, murdering civilians through healthcare "suicide", etc.) with Fidel's.
In other words, its a political and personal smear, but nothing to do with Justin's masculinity.
I realize you have a soft spot for Justin, as you've stated in the past. I also realize that Justin's charity boxing match win showed people that a left-winger could be personally tough, contra to the traditional communist-wimp image, and that act has drawn your own personal attention. But not everyone is so fixated on the match or about reasserting old stereotypes on each left winger, and this smear certainly isn't part of it at all.
That said, Justin's mother is a whore, his Pierre was a cuck, and Castro Jr.'s political actions are like his dear old evil Cuban daddy's actions in Havana.
You almost make me interested in this topic. It wouldn't normally interest me but I do love the Sailer comments section. It's like when he writes about baseball.
You’re ignorant. His mother was not a whore.
Nah, she was a whore. You OK?
Don't know that I would call her a whore but she did confess to numerous affairs in her memoirs "Beyond Reason" & "Changing My Mind". She was , by her own admission, a cokehead in those days as well as suffering from bipolar disorder. Both of these are conducive to poor decision making/promiscuity.
2nd time. Wikipedia: "Over time, the marriage disintegrated[28] to the point where, as recounted in her 1982 book Consequences, Trudeau had affairs with Jack Nicholson, Ryan O'Neal, Lou Rawls, and a friendship with US Senator Ted Kennedy. She was also associated with members of the Rolling Stones, including Ronnie Wood[29] and, according to Keith Richards' autobiography, Life, Mick Jagger.[29][30]"
"associated with" in this case appears to mean "fucked".
Camera is apparently using "whore" a bit loosely since there's no suggestion I have run across to indicate that any money transactions were involved.
So Pierre Trudeau is Fidel Castro's older brother?
That doesn't follow. Were you attempting humor?