Perhaps these Pakistani men should be subjected to the same“Me Too” haranguing the natives of the Anglosphere have.
Once they understand that modern women are strong, brave, and capable they might be happy to sit in a cubicle and bet on sports instead of gang raping.
Enoch Powell would be rolling in his grave, after stating "And I TOLD YOU all that this type of thing would occur, if you keep on letting them come into our country!"
Perhaps of note is that J.K. "Mama Grizzly" Rowling (aka J.K. "Send Me To Jail" Rowling) is tweeting about it now. If white European men want to get any mass movement going then they'll need some help from white women.
Yesterday, I read someone applying Steve's argument about the lack of action or public outrage to the US Establishment and Trump. How much more damage will they do before they're completely discredited?
I prodded the remaining Scandal Mongers podcast journalist about Rotherham, and his response was "It's on my list." Way, way down, I'll bet, as he doesn't want to go to prison. It would have been wonderful and courageous if some Windsors had taken the lead in lifting the veil of silence (W&C did visit the Southport little-girls-murdered families), but they rarely show themselves in the North or even Midlands, and they're bound to obey HMG.
Early during my years in England I attended a premier league football match (soccer)...the seating was organized to separate the supporters of each club and chain-link topped by razor wire was used. The chants were constant and occasionally vulgar. It was a direct reflection of societal divisions that were about to be made drastically more severe by the phenomenon of open borders.
Thank you Tony Blair and the spineless PMs who followed.
Sweden and Germany have made the same mistake. France perhaps even worse.
We see signs of the same in the USA, but the segregated nature of our neighborhoods, cities and states allows many of us to live our lives without seeing the damage and danger.
> And Wizards of the Coast, the Dungeons & Dragons publisher owned by Hasbro, has endorsed a trend throughout role-playing games in which players are empowered to halt the proceedings if they ever feel uncomfortable.
If anyone is dumb enough to give money to WotC for new rulebooks, they deserve no sympathy; the Gygax-era rules still work just fine and there is enough material to last a lifetime. To me the BECMI edition, which was published in 1983, is the gold standard and made D&D a household term
I hate to go hijacking a thread about a serious issue like rape gangs to talk about games, but since you beat me to it... ;)
To answer some of the questions in the paywall (sorry, not posting here on an account tied to my actual credit card number):
The game's demographics have supposedly gone 60M-39F-1other (well, what did you expect them to put in their survey?). Even if it's exaggerated to imply 'inclusiveness', this likely has a huge effect on what the game's audience is going to demand and designers (superfans from prior editions) are going to be like.
As for Weihan Zhang: I'm waiting to see an 'incorrect species' meme involving elves and humans. You could even change it to 'ancestry' as the latest version of the game has done (which, given the importance of ancestors in Chinese culture, has extra joke possibilities).
Current fans of D&D being emotionally stunted men who refused to grow up and are still into fantasy:
1. This is a lot more common than it used to be. Apart from the general persistence of 'youth culture' that's been going on since the 60--did we ever really outgrow rock and roll?--and is increasingly hard to differentiate from the usual change in tastes over the decades.... 'Serious fiction' and 'serious movies' are not really made for adult males anymore (unless they're gay, bi, or BIPOC), so it's nice to read a Batman comic where there's at least one character you'd like to be.
2. Honestly, D&D is not a bad 'going out with the guys' activity for middle-aged (more introverted) men. You don't get exercise, but there's also no risk of injury (more important as you age), it is social, you get to relive your youth in a sense but with enough irony to make it palatable (players are ALWAYS making fun of the story), and in that age bracket your GenX or Boomer wife is pretty sure there aren't going to be any women to steal you. (That may change in the future; see above.) I think a lot of 'nerd culture' like board game cafes and D&D has evolved into a way introverts can more comfortably socialize without the loud noise of things like bars.
3. I think unrealistic genres like fantasy really do speak to something fundamental in the human psyche. It's why Tolkien did way better than anyone anticipated and everyone in Don Quixote knew all the chivalric romances--it's the modernist 'realist' turn of midcentury that's the historical aberration. Art isn't real, why limit yourself to reality?
4. Correlations with things like gender identity disorder and paraphilias absolutely do exist, but they're much more common among the current, woker, junior fanbase, where it's a big 'queer' (gay/lesbian/trans etc.) social outlet. Most of the older nerds have more or less normal lives, even if somewhat shifted toward introverted personality types--I doubt there are all that many politicians with secret D&D habits, for instance. (Though Ted Cruz wouldn't surprise me after seeing that ad where he turns the Constitution into a lightsaber.)
Since you mentioned Nick Griffin, he's decided in the meantime that Muslims are great and the only reason anyone in the UK is upset with them is because of Jewish propaganda.
One question that remains is why did the Town of Rotherham release its report in 2014, specifically? And who was behind the report, specifically?
Why 2014? Why not earlier, in 2004? Or 2009? Or later, in 2019?
Why not in the 2000s --- Okay, they say it's because of the BNP and then-leader Nick Griffin and his "crime" of "racial hatred" for talking about an ongoing problem. Such an explanation doesn't really make sense to me.
The only reason the dam broke in 2014 was on the initiative of someone in small-city government there to publicize the problem. So was the 2014 report just a random-like event? One angry White man (or, possibly, woman) willing to break a taboo?
See also my comment on the timing of the rise of "Rotherham" coverage (one Rotherham-tied report in June 2012 discussed at the old "iSteve" blogspot):
The commenter ic1000 made an estimate in 2014 that based on available data, around 10% of White girls in Rotherham born between about the mid-1980s and late-1990s may have been victims of the Muslim "grooming gangs," i.e., were targeted, sexually exploited systematically, and abused to varying degrees and lengths of time, often for years, in effect enslaved in the cruelest of fashions.
Another commenter at the time, Tarrou, calculated there were around 3000 adult Muslim men in Rotherham in the period in question (excluding male children and elderly), with around 230 White-girl victims at any given time (the total known victims, in the 2014 report, was 1400 total White-girl victims over the period 1997-2013).
If the 3000:230 per year (adult Muslim males to White-girl victims) seems like a shockingly high ratio of perpetrators to victims, someone else suggested that it's because "Rotherham [had] one of the lowest Asian percentages" of cities in its region. He says "Whites were less wise to the Pakistani tricks than they would have been say in Bradford."
"The English Defence League, for example, emerged in part out of soccer hooligan firms."
There is a 15-20 year gap between the end of football violence in England and the english Defence League. Meanwhile a stream of Right wing groups that did try to recruit from football failed.
Football in the 90s removed violence partly by all seating, better policing, membership rules to get tickets and mostly by much much much higher pricing.
Daily Mail is not a reliable source and one anecdote of a man just old enough to have been involved in both is not data.
It might be fair to say that EDL recruits from the same pool of disaffected whites. But then that pool is a lot lot bigger now than in the 1990s or 80s.
It is very true that the Mosleyite right made no traction among this group. The white working classes seldom dislike blacks or Jews, since they share the black faults and cannot see the Jewish ones. They dislike Muslims, not because of Islam as such, but because the respectable sort take over entire neighbourhoods and seek no contact with whites, while those they do know are all too often fixers and small time crooks.
For Britain, the Empire struck back after the end of World War Two. Stupidly, Third World people from the old Empire were allowed to pour into Britain from every corner of the Earth. Were any of these additions worthwhile to the overall commonwealth of Britain? Of course not. Were the Pakistanis and Indian Muslims immigrants a benefit? No. They are the largest negative cancer cell in Britain. Were the Caribbean immigrants an asset to Britain? Of course not. Although not the huge negative that the Pakistanis are, the Caribbeans are a negative force in Britain. Were the West African immigrants a positive for Britain? Of course not. They have been a disaster in Britain.
They began bringing them in 60 years ago to staff the NHS. The British Empire sent medical people (and teachers and engineers) TO those countries instead of draining their brains, yet it's denigrated at every turn.
I’ve been on a bit of a Nevil Shute kick lately. His books are quite a time capsule. It’s interesting to see how he realized that the UK was finished in about 1947. His basic theme was that anyone with a bit of gumption should head for Australia or New Zealand no matter the cost.
Fortunately the white writers at Unz have great respect for women. But for some reason the can't organize themselves into an offline group
Perhaps these Pakistani men should be subjected to the same“Me Too” haranguing the natives of the Anglosphere have.
Once they understand that modern women are strong, brave, and capable they might be happy to sit in a cubicle and bet on sports instead of gang raping.
Paging Roxanne Gay…
How is Rape = to Grooming?
Who would think this? I receive grooming at my Barbershop.
Rape, especially gang rape, is a serious crime.
Death sentences would not be inappropriate.
An old comment from
Don't forget Rochdale
And Bradford
Enoch Powell would be rolling in his grave, after stating "And I TOLD YOU all that this type of thing would occur, if you keep on letting them come into our country!"
Perhaps of note is that J.K. "Mama Grizzly" Rowling (aka J.K. "Send Me To Jail" Rowling) is tweeting about it now. If white European men want to get any mass movement going then they'll need some help from white women.
It's genuinely impressive that your piece came out in 2013, great stuff as usual.
"they are so naive"
And apparently half-blind.
Yesterday, I read someone applying Steve's argument about the lack of action or public outrage to the US Establishment and Trump. How much more damage will they do before they're completely discredited?
I prodded the remaining Scandal Mongers podcast journalist about Rotherham, and his response was "It's on my list." Way, way down, I'll bet, as he doesn't want to go to prison. It would have been wonderful and courageous if some Windsors had taken the lead in lifting the veil of silence (W&C did visit the Southport little-girls-murdered families), but they rarely show themselves in the North or even Midlands, and they're bound to obey HMG.
Early during my years in England I attended a premier league football match (soccer)...the seating was organized to separate the supporters of each club and chain-link topped by razor wire was used. The chants were constant and occasionally vulgar. It was a direct reflection of societal divisions that were about to be made drastically more severe by the phenomenon of open borders.
Thank you Tony Blair and the spineless PMs who followed.
Sweden and Germany have made the same mistake. France perhaps even worse.
We see signs of the same in the USA, but the segregated nature of our neighborhoods, cities and states allows many of us to live our lives without seeing the damage and danger.
Was this before or after Hillsborough?
I first moved to Berkshire just before Hillsborough…before they had eliminated the terraces at many of the grounds.
The matches I’ve attended more recently at Hotspur and Chelsea are more civilized and tickets more expensive.
> And Wizards of the Coast, the Dungeons & Dragons publisher owned by Hasbro, has endorsed a trend throughout role-playing games in which players are empowered to halt the proceedings if they ever feel uncomfortable.
If anyone is dumb enough to give money to WotC for new rulebooks, they deserve no sympathy; the Gygax-era rules still work just fine and there is enough material to last a lifetime. To me the BECMI edition, which was published in 1983, is the gold standard and made D&D a household term
I hate to go hijacking a thread about a serious issue like rape gangs to talk about games, but since you beat me to it... ;)
To answer some of the questions in the paywall (sorry, not posting here on an account tied to my actual credit card number):
The game's demographics have supposedly gone 60M-39F-1other (well, what did you expect them to put in their survey?). Even if it's exaggerated to imply 'inclusiveness', this likely has a huge effect on what the game's audience is going to demand and designers (superfans from prior editions) are going to be like.
As for Weihan Zhang: I'm waiting to see an 'incorrect species' meme involving elves and humans. You could even change it to 'ancestry' as the latest version of the game has done (which, given the importance of ancestors in Chinese culture, has extra joke possibilities).
Current fans of D&D being emotionally stunted men who refused to grow up and are still into fantasy:
1. This is a lot more common than it used to be. Apart from the general persistence of 'youth culture' that's been going on since the 60--did we ever really outgrow rock and roll?--and is increasingly hard to differentiate from the usual change in tastes over the decades.... 'Serious fiction' and 'serious movies' are not really made for adult males anymore (unless they're gay, bi, or BIPOC), so it's nice to read a Batman comic where there's at least one character you'd like to be.
2. Honestly, D&D is not a bad 'going out with the guys' activity for middle-aged (more introverted) men. You don't get exercise, but there's also no risk of injury (more important as you age), it is social, you get to relive your youth in a sense but with enough irony to make it palatable (players are ALWAYS making fun of the story), and in that age bracket your GenX or Boomer wife is pretty sure there aren't going to be any women to steal you. (That may change in the future; see above.) I think a lot of 'nerd culture' like board game cafes and D&D has evolved into a way introverts can more comfortably socialize without the loud noise of things like bars.
3. I think unrealistic genres like fantasy really do speak to something fundamental in the human psyche. It's why Tolkien did way better than anyone anticipated and everyone in Don Quixote knew all the chivalric romances--it's the modernist 'realist' turn of midcentury that's the historical aberration. Art isn't real, why limit yourself to reality?
4. Correlations with things like gender identity disorder and paraphilias absolutely do exist, but they're much more common among the current, woker, junior fanbase, where it's a big 'queer' (gay/lesbian/trans etc.) social outlet. Most of the older nerds have more or less normal lives, even if somewhat shifted toward introverted personality types--I doubt there are all that many politicians with secret D&D habits, for instance. (Though Ted Cruz wouldn't surprise me after seeing that ad where he turns the Constitution into a lightsaber.)
Since you mentioned Nick Griffin, he's decided in the meantime that Muslims are great and the only reason anyone in the UK is upset with them is because of Jewish propaganda.
He's an idiot.
Griffin is a fool. His anti-semitism is more important to him than the historic English people.
One question that remains is why did the Town of Rotherham release its report in 2014, specifically? And who was behind the report, specifically?
Why 2014? Why not earlier, in 2004? Or 2009? Or later, in 2019?
Why not in the 2000s --- Okay, they say it's because of the BNP and then-leader Nick Griffin and his "crime" of "racial hatred" for talking about an ongoing problem. Such an explanation doesn't really make sense to me.
The only reason the dam broke in 2014 was on the initiative of someone in small-city government there to publicize the problem. So was the 2014 report just a random-like event? One angry White man (or, possibly, woman) willing to break a taboo?
See also my comment on the timing of the rise of "Rotherham" coverage (one Rotherham-tied report in June 2012 discussed at the old "iSteve" blogspot):
The commenter ic1000 made an estimate in 2014 that based on available data, around 10% of White girls in Rotherham born between about the mid-1980s and late-1990s may have been victims of the Muslim "grooming gangs," i.e., were targeted, sexually exploited systematically, and abused to varying degrees and lengths of time, often for years, in effect enslaved in the cruelest of fashions.
Another commenter at the time, Tarrou, calculated there were around 3000 adult Muslim men in Rotherham in the period in question (excluding male children and elderly), with around 230 White-girl victims at any given time (the total known victims, in the 2014 report, was 1400 total White-girl victims over the period 1997-2013).
If the 3000:230 per year (adult Muslim males to White-girl victims) seems like a shockingly high ratio of perpetrators to victims, someone else suggested that it's because "Rotherham [had] one of the lowest Asian percentages" of cities in its region. He says "Whites were less wise to the Pakistani tricks than they would have been say in Bradford."
"The English Defence League, for example, emerged in part out of soccer hooligan firms."
There is a 15-20 year gap between the end of football violence in England and the english Defence League. Meanwhile a stream of Right wing groups that did try to recruit from football failed.
Football in the 90s removed violence partly by all seating, better policing, membership rules to get tickets and mostly by much much much higher pricing.
Daily Mail is not a reliable source and one anecdote of a man just old enough to have been involved in both is not data.
It might be fair to say that EDL recruits from the same pool of disaffected whites. But then that pool is a lot lot bigger now than in the 1990s or 80s.
It is very true that the Mosleyite right made no traction among this group. The white working classes seldom dislike blacks or Jews, since they share the black faults and cannot see the Jewish ones. They dislike Muslims, not because of Islam as such, but because the respectable sort take over entire neighbourhoods and seek no contact with whites, while those they do know are all too often fixers and small time crooks.
"These girls are adolescents, far too young to give consent to being gang-banged."
At what age does a woman become old enough to give consent to being gang-banged?
For Britain, the Empire struck back after the end of World War Two. Stupidly, Third World people from the old Empire were allowed to pour into Britain from every corner of the Earth. Were any of these additions worthwhile to the overall commonwealth of Britain? Of course not. Were the Pakistanis and Indian Muslims immigrants a benefit? No. They are the largest negative cancer cell in Britain. Were the Caribbean immigrants an asset to Britain? Of course not. Although not the huge negative that the Pakistanis are, the Caribbeans are a negative force in Britain. Were the West African immigrants a positive for Britain? Of course not. They have been a disaster in Britain.
They began bringing them in 60 years ago to staff the NHS. The British Empire sent medical people (and teachers and engineers) TO those countries instead of draining their brains, yet it's denigrated at every turn.
I’ve been on a bit of a Nevil Shute kick lately. His books are quite a time capsule. It’s interesting to see how he realized that the UK was finished in about 1947. His basic theme was that anyone with a bit of gumption should head for Australia or New Zealand no matter the cost.